
Go Ahead

This may be hard for me to really get the story across, but its just too funny not to write down, so I will do my best.  Bare with me.
Every night when we go to say our family prayers Carli has to be the one to decide who's turn it is.  Almost every night, its hers.  So last night we were all kneeling down, waiting for her to say it.  She had her head bowed, eyes closed and arms folded.  Then she took one hand, pointed to Chad and squinted her eyes and quietly said, "go ahead".  She was so serious.  Then when Chad didn't immediately start, she did the same thing, "go ahead".  I couldn't control myself.  Chad and I have both been laughing ever since.  What a funny little girl!  Where does she get this from?  Must be me!  :)


The Chambers Family said...

That is so cute.

Chinoville said...

She is such a cute girl. I was in nursery with Gabe on Sunday and she is so cute with all the kids and adults.

Jessica said...

I love cute stories like that! It's so fun when you remember to write it down.