For the kids birthdays we post pictures of them all over the fridge. They love talking about all of them and seeing when they were babies. Kyle didn't really "get it". He thought most of the pictures were of Nate.
We had a picture at the bottom of the fridge of Kyle floating last year in his ISR class. Getting ready to go back for his refresher course he loved to talk about him floating. As the weather has been getting nicer, the kids have been playing outside much more. I keep the door open and an eye and ear on them, but admit I don't sit out there 100% of the time. They know not to touch the water and for the most part do a good job of following that rule.
Well this day, Carli got in trouble for one reason or another, so I brought her in for a time out. As we were waiting for the timer to beep (5 minutes) I heard water splashing. Of course I ran outside to find Kyle "trying" to float in the deep end. Without thinking, I jumped in and got him out of the water. Nate was sitting on the waterfall just watching. He told me he was floating, and didn't seem to be at all concerned for his safety.
Immediately after getting out of the water I was so grateful for the ISR lessons he had taken the previous year, but as the night when on my mind stayed in the worst place. I couldn't keep it together. The thought of him struggling in the water made me sick, the idea of Nate not being at all concerned bothered me a ton. Why wasn't he worried for his brother? How could I really let my kids play outside without me? I had to have Chad give me a blessing to ease my mind.
I had already set up for Kyle to start his refresher course a week later, but that night called to get him started on Monday. So after 4 weeks of M-F, 10 minute lessons, I have the best floater in the world!!! Im positive he could float for 5+ minutes at a time. He did so great in his lessons. I can now say I am much more relaxed and ready to start our summer of swimming.
These pics are only after 9 lessons.
Head flip into the water backward.

Coming up getting ready to float.

Floating! :)

Thank you! Thank you ISR. We will see you next year with baby Reese.
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