Our great friends the Hill's came to visit us this summer! We had tons of fun swimming in the pool and staying inside shopping and playing. However we of course didn't get a lot of pictures.
This was an absolute picture taking op, but we only had our phones, so excuse the blurry photos. Here is the story of Carli getting her ears pierced!
Carli and I have been talking for a LONG time about getting her ears pierced. We had wanted to get them done for her 4th bday, but she decided maybe she would wait until she got bigger. I have spent lots of time explaining what they do and how it will hurt, but then she would have beautiful earrings. Miss Dramatic here, wasn't ready to deal with that.
So while Tate was in town and we were walking through the mall she wanted to get hers done. Jessica & I both agreed that Tate and Carli could do it together! They were so excited! Tate was going to go first, while Carli watched. ( BIG Mistake!)
Tate cried a little after the 1st, was a little more nervous for the 2nd that then was done, and so proud.
Carli chickened out, and we went home.
Later that night, we were going back to the mall to have pictures taken. In my attempt to get Carli to wear what I wanted her too for the pictures, I told her I had a surprise for her when we got home. (She wanted the matching dress that Tate and Tory had.) She agreed, and we got our pictures taken. As we were walking back through the mall, Tate saw Clairs where she got her ears pierced. At the same time, Carli was talking to me about what her surprise was, so I stopped and said, "we are getting your ears pierced!". To my surprise, she was super excited and decided to be very brave. This time, I was the one nervous! :)

Again, after the first ear she lost it! The worker, was not that great at just doing it and being done. They took forever, which made the anticipation worse. Not good. Another worker came in, I pinned her down and went for it. Carli was SOO Mad and I felt SOOO bad. But now its done.

Of course, because I felt so bad, I still had to give her the matching dress. She was so mad that she slept in her dress looking straight up to the ceiling, so nothing touched her ears. 'She wasn't going to do anything, bc everything was going to hurt her ears.' Poor thing.

Now she is happy with her earrings. She tries to tell her friends that she was brave and it didn't hurt at all. What a goof. Im sure she's not fooling anyone.
Too bad, we have told her this will be her b-day present. She has to wait until then to switch to some new cute earrings. Im sure that day will be just as traumatic! Wish us luck.