Every night when we go to say our family prayers Carli has to be the one to decide who's turn it is. Almost every night, its hers. So last night we were all kneeling down, waiting for her to say it. She had her head bowed, eyes closed and arms folded. Then she took one hand, pointed to Chad and squinted her eyes and quietly said, "go ahead". She was so serious. Then when Chad didn't immediately start, she did the same thing, "go ahead". I couldn't control myself. Chad and I have both been laughing ever since. What a funny little girl! Where does she get this from? Must be me! :)
Go Ahead
This may be hard for me to really get the story across, but its just too funny not to write down, so I will do my best. Bare with me.
Caught in the act...and proud of it!!
Carli is the candy thief. She always wants treats, and can never get enough of them. This was after she had already had 3 suckers, jolly ranchers, a handful of gummies, and who know what else she may have snuck without me knowing. I am about to pack up all the candy and take it all out to the trash!
Ohh yes, and while I was just on the phone, she helped herself to another one. What a pill.
Nates 1st Birthday!!
We all had a great day celebrating Nates 1st birthday! I cant believe he is already 1! It was a party of balls, balloons, trucks and legos, what more can a boy ask for!!
Opening his first present from Carli!
After we got the balloons from the party store,
I think the girls were a little more excited to see
Waiting for 2nds!
Carlis 1st Haircut
I finally got my hair cut a few days ago, and after telling Carli all about it, she just had to get hers cut as well. She loved it! She didn't sit so still, but was so excited to be up in the chair eating a sucker and watching a silly movie! :) What a girl!!
Broken Camera...
I am not so good about blogging unless I have a picture to go with. I have been slow to post about Carlis first hair cut (and will get to that soon!), but after Carli took a nasty spill tonight I tried to get a picture of her chin and found my camera was broken. I am so upset. Hopefully I can get it fixed and borrow one in the mean time! Nates big B-Day tomorrow...we cant not get pictures of that! :)
Where did we get this girl??
I couldn't help but take this picture. Carli is so funny up at the cabin, and tries her hardest to fit in with the locals! The hat, the hair, the glasses, the Strawberry Shortcake band-aid, the socks and crocks...What a funny girl! We love you "Carli the Super Girl"!
Digging away!
What a great and exciting morning we have had! We started to dig our pool and the verdict is still out on who has been the most excited!

Things started great and then came to a screeching halt when we found a major gas line running right through the middle of the pool. Needless to say we will live with a large dirt hole in our back yard for probably the next month. The joys of construction!
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